Event Date: 1 April 2016
Event Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: 2 Bukit Merah Central
By Kevin Lee, Associate Trainer
Fees: S$420.00 (GST will not be applicable)
The Accounting Standards Act was passed in Parliament on 27 Aug 2007 and the Act came into effect on 1 Nov 2007. With the enactment of the Accounting Standards Act, the Accounting Standards Council (ASC) took over the task of prescribing accounting standards from the Council on Corporate Disclosure and Governance (CCDG). In addition to prescribing accounting standards for companies, the ASC will also prescribe accounting standards for charities, co-operative societies and societies. The creation of the ASC is a positive step towards ensuring consistency in accounting standards, facilitating comparison of financial statements between different entities and enhancing the credibility and transparency of financial reporting. This 1-day workshop will give non-finance personnel a basic understanding of Finance and Accounting practices and The Accounting Standards Act.
Course Outline
- Financial Literacy
• Defining accounting and finance terms
• An overview of Balance Sheet, Profit & loss, Cash flow statement etc
• What is the difference between depreciation, journals, adjustments etc? What does it means by “closing”?
• What is accrual, prepayment etc
• Managerial vs. financial accounting
• The difference between audited and unaudited financial reports
• Understanding the complete accounting cycle, from recording
transactions to reporting results - Analyzing/reading Financial Statements
• Reading annual reports
• Top ten most important Accounts
• Interpreting the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statements
• Identifying key limitations of financial reporting - Additional issues: War stories on “What are my legal obligations”?
Workshop Leader
Kevin Lee formed his professional boutique consultancy and advisory firm specializing in corporate structuring and restructuring, enterprise tax risk management and corporate advisory services under the brand name “RYSAAC (睿鉴 隴西)” in early 2005. Since then, RYSAAC has gone strength-to-strength, collaboration strategically with several professional firms, including audit firms, management consultancy & corporate advisory companies and an internationally well-known publication. His clients include individuals and corporate clients who are seeking independent professional services and tax advisory services or as an in-house alternative. Kevin is the full member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and Canada, (CPABC, CGA Canada), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax Professionals (SIATP), Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD), fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA, UK), and fellow member of Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM). He graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of London with BSc (Hons) in Economics and Management and an executive diploma in directorship from Singapore Management University (SMU). Kevin Lee is an ACTA trained (by Institute of Adult Learning) facilitator since 2012.
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