Martin Gabriel began his career with the Ministry of Manpower, as an Inspector enforcing the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act. He gained a valuable understanding of labour regulations in his three years with the Ministry and the experience inspired him to forge a career in Human Resources after leaving the government service. He is also the author of four Human Resource books.
Today, Martin has more than 25 years of experience as an HR practitioner. He is presently the Chairman and Founder of HRmatters21, an online HR interest group and vibrant forum where HR issues are discussed. He leads an HR community of over 3,000 members and provides regular HR-related advice and consultancy services to hundreds of companies in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia as a Senior HR Consultant/Advisor. He is also actively involved in the growth and development of HR in Singapore.
Martin’s experience also includes training. To date, over 6,200 HR personnel and managers from non-HR functions have attended his training programmes.
Martin holds a Bachelor of Commerce with a double major from the University of Tasmania and a Diploma in HRM.
Martin can be contacted at the following e-mail: