Senior HR Consultant, Martin Gabriel launched his second book at the MHC Asia studio on the 24th of March 2016. Over 60 HR professionals attended the auspicious event. His decision to write a second book titled “Human Resource Case Studies” was partly due to the success of the first book. The first book, titled “A Guide to The Employment Act & Its Practical Applications” launched early last year, sold over 800 copies. According to Martin, he said “Many told me that they loved the three case studies from the first book, and wanted a book that was all about case studies”. And of course, Martin obliged. Over 200 copies of his new book were sold within 3 weeks after it’s launched. At the book launch cum HR sharing, Martin took a case study from the book and discussed the issues. The case was about a complaint of sexual harassment. The case was interesting and intriguing. The 39th HR Sharing was a regular event held once every three to four months. It is a platform where current HR issues were being discussed and debated. This sharing was similar to the 37th HR sharing as it incorporated Martin’s book-launch.
However, it was never complete without the usual guest speaker. Dayanand Menon, the latest inclusion to the many other illustrious consultants of HRmatters21, shared tips pertaining to payroll administration. Mr. Menon had already completed one run of the Payroll Administration Workshop prior to the HR sharing and received very good feedback, that it would be a lost, to the HR audience had he not shared such valuable tips. During the coffee break, many from the audience were seen surrounding Mr. Menon, asking numerous questions with eagerness to learn from an experienced mentor.
After the coffee break, Martin spoke about the latest changes to the Employment Act pertaining to the inclusion of 17 key employment terms and the mandatory issue of itemised pay-slips, with effect from 1st April 2016. According to the Ministry of Manpower, they will take a light approach and treat offences to the above as administrative and fines would not be more than S$200 per occurrence or per employee. There is a grace period of over one year for companies to adjust, and that enforcement action would only be taken from 1st April 2017. The book launch cum sharing was wrapped up with Martin signing autographs for those who purchased the book. We look forward to seeing you at the 40th HR Sharing.
By Michelle Yeo