Event Date: 9 January 2025
Event Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: Holiday Inn Atrium Singapore with Buffet lunch (halal) and 2 coffee breaks
By Martin Gabriel, Chairman, HRmatters21 Committee
Fees: S$490.00 (GST will not be applicable)
As part of its efforts to help older employees remain economically productive, the Government enacted the re-employment legislation with effect from 2012 to enable more people to continue working beyond the statutory minimum retirement age of 63, up to 65 in the first instance and, later, up to 70 as re-employment. Several affiliated Government organisations aim to help companies put in place the necessary processes and systems for re-employment to work. The TIWG released the Tripartite Advisory on the Re-employment of Older Workers (“Advisory”) in April 2008 and has been encouraging employers and employees to adopt the Advisory. In this workshop we examine the best possible ways to implement the processes and prepare companies to align their business objectives in an ever changing business climate in which are now seeing an increasing number of older workers.
Course Outline
• Coverage
• Exclusion
• Entering into consultation
• Retirement age
• Eligibility for re-employment
• Medical status
• Appraisal – Performance review
• Reviewing the job description
• Training
• Converting full time retired employee to part-time
• Re-writing the part-time contract (pro-ration of benefits)
• Re-employment terms and contracts
• Tripartite recommendations
• Issues pertaining to implementation
• Employees’ salary and/or benefits
• Employment Assistance Payment (EAP)
• Re-employment disputes
• Conciliation
• Q&A
Workshop Leader
Martin Gabriel began his career with the Ministry of Manpower as an Inspector enforcing the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act. His 3 years with the Ministry provided Martin with the experience of understanding labour regulations and was an inspiration in his decision to make Human Resources his career after leaving the government service.
With more than 20 years of experience as a HR Practitioner, Martin embarked upon forming a HR community that is the biggest, and most vibrant in Singapore. Martin is presently the Chairman and founder of HRmatters21, an online HR interest group which provides a vibrant forum with HR issues being discussed. As a Senior HR Consultant / Advisor, Martin provides advice & consultancy to numerous companies in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Martin is also involved in the development of Human Resources in Singapore.
With his vast experience in Human Resources, he has been engaged by many companies to draft or review their HR policies and employment contracts.
Martin’s experience has also expanded into training. To date, over 6,000 HR personnel and Managers from Non-HR functions have attended his training programmes. Martin holds a Bachelor of Commerce with double major from the University of Tasmania and a Diploma in HRM.
Martin can be contacted at the following e-mail: gabrielm@singnet.com.sg
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